The true story of Anita Moorjani will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!Continue reading“Dying To Be”

The true story of Anita Moorjani will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!Continue reading“Dying To Be”
Consciousness asleep is matter, and consciousness awakened is consciousness. All is consciousness. In this world, matter and consciousness are not two separate things. What we call matter is consciousness asleep, and what we know as consciousness is matter awakened. In reality matter and consciousness are not different; they are different …
Prosperity means Good Fortune. How different this is reflected from the west favouring ‘Prosperity’ and from the East favouring ‘Good Fortune’. There is a strange connection between symbolism of manifesting the light body and the symbolism of the dollar. Nehushtan, the fiery serpent lifted on a pole by Moses (Numbers …
When was the last time you woke up and jumped out of bed because you’re excited about what today will bring you? Too often we get trapped thinking we have to do things, because that’s what others do or because that’s what’s expected of us! That means that too many …
Lao Tzu is wary of change, of interfering with the present state of things. He saw the world as one of precious balance, where action if not carefully considered might lead easily to a cascade of unwanted effects, before balance is again restored. So he promotes non-action … wu-wei. Suggesting …
In a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a fifteenth century family with eighteen children. The father and head of the household, a goldsmith by profession, worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade and any other paying chore he could find in the neighbourhood in order to keep food …
Chapter one of Toa Te Ching:- 道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。 名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。 無 名 天 地 之 始 ﹔ 有 名 萬 物 之 母 。 故 常 無 , 欲 以 觀 其 妙 ﹔ 常 有 , 欲 …
Multitudes of people follow some kind of spiritual path, but very few succeed in realizing the ultimate truth and become ‘enlightened’. Why is that? When you feel angry, confused, vulnerable and upset, you go to a doctor or psychiatrist, a priest, a therapist, a coach, a healer, a specialist, a …
I was chatting with a friend of mine, Rob, this morning who said that year after year since 2001 he has earned less and less money but had learned more and more each year and had become wiser and wiser. Apart from his lack of increased wealth, he said was …