I’m Not Getting Old

You’re getting old they told me, you’ve stopped being you are getting bitter and lonely. – no, I answered. I’m not getting old I’m getting wise. I have stopped being what others like to become what I like to be, I have stopped looking for the acceptance of others to …

Accelerating Time

Do you seem to have less hours in your days; or feel as though time is speeding up? Einstein proved that it isn’t your imagination, but that time is in fact speeding up. People have mentioned that they no longer can count “one mississippi, two mississippi”, etc… and count an …

Soul is Energy

Consciousness asleep is matter, and consciousness awakened is consciousness. All is consciousness. In this world, matter and consciousness are not two separate things. What we call matter is consciousness asleep, and what we know as consciousness is matter awakened. In reality matter and consciousness are not different; they are different …

Good Fortune

Prosperity means Good Fortune. How different this is reflected from the west favouring ‘Prosperity’ and from the East favouring ‘Good Fortune’. There is a strange connection between symbolism of manifesting the light body and the symbolism of the dollar. Nehushtan, the fiery serpent lifted on a pole by Moses (Numbers …

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